The Nichole Banks Blog

How to Tell If You’re Being Cheated On: Navigating the Signs

September 11, 20249 min read

"Trust your intuition—it’s never wrong. Healing after infidelity isn’t about blaming yourself for missing the signs; it’s about embracing your strength, trusting your gut, and choosing what’s best for your heart." — Nichole Banks


Blog Post: How to Tell If You’re Being Cheated On: Navigating the Signs

Sometimes, it’s the little things that whisper louder than any grand gesture—the late nights at "work," the sudden cling to his phone, or how his compliments started feeling forced. Looking back, did you feel something was off? 🤔 If you’ve ever felt that nagging feeling in your stomach, you’re not alone. Women’s intuition is often spot-on, but so many of us struggle to trust it.

I’ll never forget that sinking feeling in my stomach, that gnawing suspicion that something just wasn’t right. For days, I’d noticed small things—his sudden need for privacy, the late-night “work calls,” and his distracted eyes when we were together. It’s like he was there, but not really there, you know? But the real kicker came when he did something he’d never done before: he turned off his phone.

Now, this man was glued to his phone 24/7. It was practically an extension of his hand. So, when he suddenly started turning it off, that was the moment my gut screamed, “Something’s up.” It was subtle, almost unnoticeable to anyone else, but I could feel it deep down. That single action set off alarms in my mind that I could no longer ignore.

I tried to brush it off at first, telling myself I was overthinking. But that little voice—the one that whispers when something’s wrong—kept growing louder. And one night, when he turned his phone off again before drifting off to sleep, I knew I couldn’t keep pretending everything was fine. So, I waited until he was asleep, heart pounding, hands shaking, and I turned his phone back on.

I wasn’t looking for proof of infidelity. I was looking for some kind of reassurance that my gut was wrong. But there it was, right on the screen—missed texts from her. 💔 That tiny piece of evidence, glowing in the dark room, was all I needed to know that my instincts had been right all along.

The pain of that discovery was indescribable, like my heart had been ripped out of my chest. I felt angry, hurt, and betrayed, but mostly, I felt foolish for ignoring my own intuition for so long. It wasn’t one big, obvious red flag; it was a series of small, gut-wrenching moments that finally led me to the truth. And in that moment, I knew I had a choice to make: to keep living in denial or to face the truth and decide what I was going to do next.

The Lesson: Trust Your Gut

Looking back, I realize my intuition had been nudging me for months, maybe even years. But like so many women, I’d brushed it aside, worried about being seen as paranoid, or “too emotional.” But the truth is, our intuition is there for a reason. It’s our inner wisdom, guiding us, protecting us, and helping us see what our hearts might not want to admit.

Practical Advice for Addressing Your Suspicions

If you find yourself in a similar situation, remember that gathering information is about seeking clarity, not launching an attack. You deserve to know the truth so you can make an informed decision about your relationship. Here’s how to approach it:

  1. Stay Calm and Focused: It’s natural to feel a rush of emotions, but try to keep calm. Approach the situation with a level head—you’re gathering information, not looking for a fight.

  2. Initiate a Conversation with Curiosity, Not Accusation: Instead of leading with anger, try starting with something like, “I’ve noticed some changes lately, and I’m feeling a bit uneasy. Can we talk about what’s going on?” This opens the door for dialogue without immediately putting your partner on the defensive.

  3. Ask Open-Ended Questions: Questions like “Is there something that’s been on your mind?” or “I’ve noticed some differences in your behavior—can you help me understand?” can encourage a more honest conversation.

  4. Trust but Verify: If your gut is telling you something’s wrong, it’s okay to seek out information. This might mean checking phone records, observing behaviors, or just being aware of the little things.

  5. Seek Support: Whether it’s a trusted friend, therapist, or coach, having someone to talk to can provide perspective and help you feel less alone.

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Tips for Healing After the Truth Comes Out

Finding out the truth hurts, but it’s also the first step toward healing. Here are some tips to help you move forward:

  • Allow Yourself to Feel: Give yourself permission to grieve. It’s okay to feel angry, sad, or even relieved. Your emotions are valid.

  • Create a Support System: Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not tear you down. Friends, family, and professionals can provide the comfort and guidance you need.

  • Prioritize Self-Care: Nourish your body and mind through exercise, healthy eating, and activities that bring you joy. Self-care is not a luxury; it’s a necessity.

  • Rebuild Your Confidence: Infidelity can shatter your self-esteem. Focus on rebuilding it by setting small, achievable goals and celebrating your wins.

  • Take It Day by Day: Healing isn’t linear, and that’s okay. Some days will be harder than others, but with time, it does get easier.

The Nichole Banks Blog

Ready to Heal and Move Forward?

If you’re feeling lost, hurt, or unsure of your next steps, know that you don’t have to navigate this alone. My course, How to Navigate Heartache, Healing, and Love After Divorce, is designed to help you rebuild your life after betrayal. With actionable advice, emotional support, and a community of women who understand exactly what you’re going through, you’ll find the strength to heal and move forward. 💪✨

4 Common Questions Women Ask About Being Cheated On

Q: How do I know if he’s cheating or if I’m just being paranoid?
A: It’s normal to feel confused, but intuition often knows when something’s off. Look for consistent signs like sudden secrecy, changes in behavior, or inconsistencies in his stories. These aren’t proof on their own, but they’re worth paying attention to. Trust your gut and consider talking openly about your concerns rather than jumping to conclusions.

Q: Should I confront him if I suspect he’s cheating?
A: Yes, but approach it carefully. Instead of accusing, focus on gathering information and expressing your feelings calmly. Try saying, “I’ve noticed some changes, and it’s made me feel uneasy. Can we talk about it?” This approach invites a conversation rather than a confrontation and allows you to get the answers you need.

Q: Can a relationship survive infidelity?
A: It’s possible, but it depends on both partners’ willingness to work through the pain, rebuild trust, and communicate openly. Some couples find strength in therapy and a renewed commitment, while others realize it’s healthier to move on. There’s no right or wrong choice—only what’s best for your emotional well-being.

Q: How do I start healing after discovering infidelity?
A: Healing takes time, and it’s important to be kind to yourself. Start with self-care: eat well, exercise, and seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. Allow yourself to feel your emotions—anger, sadness, confusion—they’re all valid. Journaling, mindfulness, and focusing on activities you enjoy can help rebuild your sense of self. Remember, it’s okay to take it day by day.

Ready to Heal and Move Forward?

If you’re feeling lost, hurt, or unsure of your next steps, know that you don’t have to navigate this alone. My course, How to Navigate Heartache, Healing, and Love After Divorce, is designed to help you rebuild your life after betrayal. With actionable advice, emotional support, and a community of women who understand exactly what you’re going through, you’ll find the strength to heal and move forward. 💪✨

Let’s take this journey together—because you deserve to love and be loved without fear or doubt. 💖

Final Thoughts

Discovering infidelity is one of the most painful experiences a person can endure, but it’s also an opportunity to reconnect with your inner strength and rediscover your worth. Trusting your intuition and seeking the truth—no matter how difficult—is an act of courage. Remember, it’s not about blaming yourself for missing the signs or questioning why you didn’t see it sooner. It’s about embracing your journey, honoring your feelings, and making decisions that serve your healing and happiness.

Whether you choose to stay and rebuild or walk away and start fresh, the most important thing is to prioritize your own well-being. Surround yourself with people who uplift you, find solace in your passions, and take things one day at a time. Healing isn’t a race; it’s a deeply personal process that unfolds at your own pace.

Together, we can transform your pain into power and build a future that feels hopeful, fulfilling, and authentically you. 💫

You are stronger than you think, and your best days are ahead. Keep trusting yourself, keep moving forward, and most importantly, never forget—you deserve love, happiness, and peace. 💖

With love and strength,
Nichole Banks

Divorce Coach & Host of The Nichole Banks Podcast
Dare to begin your journey to healing, happiness, and new beginnings. ✨
Host of The Nichole Banks Podcast
Creator of the Boundaries 101 Course

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The Nichole Banks Podcast:

The Nichole Banks Podcast is your go-to resource for navigating the ups and downs of life after divorce with a fresh perspective and a sprinkle of fun. Hosted by Nichole Banks, a divorce recovery coach and transformation expert, this podcast is all about empowering you to embrace new beginnings and find joy in the journey. Each episode blends practical advice, personal anecdotes, and a touch of humor to help you tackle life's challenges and rediscover your inner strength.

In recent episodes, Nichole has tackled a variety of crucial topics. Episode 83. How to Completely Reinvent Your Wardrobe and Personal Style, explores how to embrace life’s clothing options with optimism and grace. Episode 80. How to Heal From the Things No One Ever Apologized For, dives into setting healthy boundaries to safeguard your emotional well-being. If you’re grappling with loneliness, Episode 74. Focus on Your Results, Not Your Failures, offers practical strategies to help you flourish on your own.

Tune in to The Nichole Banks Podcast for inspiration, actionable insights, and a supportive community ready to cheer you on. Each episode is designed to help you heal, grow, and embrace your best self.

Nichole Banks is a passionate divorce recovery coach, author, and host of The Nichole Banks Podcast. With a deep understanding of the complexities of life after divorce, Nichole empowers women to embrace their journeys with confidence and grace. 

Through her insightful writing, practical advice, and personal anecdotes, she offers guidance on emotional healing, self-improvement, and finding new love. Nichole’s mission is to inspire and support women as they navigate their new beginnings and discover their true potential. When she’s not coaching or podcasting, Nichole enjoys a good cup of coffee, exploring new personal development ideas, and celebrating small victories.

Nichole Banks

Nichole Banks is a passionate divorce recovery coach, author, and host of The Nichole Banks Podcast. With a deep understanding of the complexities of life after divorce, Nichole empowers women to embrace their journeys with confidence and grace. Through her insightful writing, practical advice, and personal anecdotes, she offers guidance on emotional healing, self-improvement, and finding new love. Nichole’s mission is to inspire and support women as they navigate their new beginnings and discover their true potential. When she’s not coaching or podcasting, Nichole enjoys a good cup of coffee, exploring new personal development ideas, and celebrating small victories.

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